My personal blog. No specific subject. Lot's of rant. In Portuguese.
A pain in the ass in 140 characters. Mostly in Portuguese. Occasionaly in English.
Wanna be my friend? Don't bother to invite me, I don't play Farmville. In Portuguese.
Some of my videos. Personal stuff, nothing interesting. In Portuguese.
Sharing other people's work that I fancy. Everything is stolen from somewhere. In English.
Little sentences ranting about anything and everything. In Portuguese.
Close up photos of simple things that surronds us.
Personal photos. Full galleries and "day by day" stuff. Nothing artistic. In Portuguese.
I think I'm an artist but I'm really not. My depressing attempts at artistic photography. In English.
My geo-located photos. I don't update this much. Mostly in English. Occasionaly in Portuguese.
Where am I? Find out on my Foursquare account. I'm a SU1. Mostly in Portuguese.
Nom nom nom. I like to eat! Mostly in Portuguese.
Me, putting up some music. Not a DJ, I play records! Live sets for Twitter friends. Alternate URL: